Ideas to Support Your Child's Learning All Year Round

Ideas to Support Your Child with Writing

  • Have FUN writing together at home
  • Encourage your child to write on paper or on the computer
  • Write a wide range of texts, e.g. lists, cards, emails to friends and family, letters, notes, a diary, invitations, postcards, dinner menus, jokes, poems, rhymes, blogs...
  • Talk about letters of the alphabet – practise writing them together
  • Have a range of pencils, pens, crayons, felts, paper available to use
  • Put magnetic letters on the fridge and make words together
  • Create a photo book and get your child to write the captions
  • Use old magazine pictures and make a scrapbook – paste in pictures and write captions
  • Keep a diary, especially if you are doing something different – your child can draw the pictures or stick in the photos
  • Create a webpage together on the computer
  • Cut out letters from old magazines and newspapers to make secret messages; write secret messages and hide them for others to find
  • Display your child’s writing proudly and share it with others
  • Talk about interesting words
  • Play word games together, e.g. find how many little words are in the word ‘hippopotamus’
  • Write for a real purpose – write the shopping list; write invitations to a birthday party...
  • Write about your ancestors; heroes; sports events; your hobbies and interests
  • Do ‘word finds’, crosswords, and word puzzles together
  • Look words up in the dictionary or on the internet
  • Write to your child
  • Start a blog about a family interest
  • Write in your first language
  • BE A GREAT ROLE MODEL. Show your child that you write for all sorts of reasons. Let them see that you enjoy writing.

Tips to Support Your Child with Maths

  • Be positive about Maths
  • Find numbers around your home and neighbourhood
  • Count forwards and backwards
  • Make patterns when counting
  • Make up number stories, e.g. ‘You have 1 brother and 3 sisters. There are 4 children altogether.’
  • Involve your child in everyday things that involve numbers/maths – such as sharing out food – 2 for you and 2 for me, how many is that altogether?
  • Use everyday words like “under, over, below, beside, in front of, behind, light, heavy, first, last... 
  • Ask questions about pictures, e.g. “How many cats are there?”
  • Play games and do puzzles – use words like inside, outside, between, above, below…
  • Encourage your child to look for patterns
  • Cook together – measure out ingredients – talk about large, small, heavy, more, less…
  • Do water play with different-shaped containers and measuring cups
  • Make up addition and subtraction problems using the calendar, e.g. “How many days are there until Christmas?”
  • Play number games, e.g. 'Name the number that is 10 more than...?', 'What number is 10 less than...?'
  • Make patterns when counting in groups such as 5, 10, 15, 20...
  • Do addition and subtraction problems in your head using the basic facts, e.g. 10 + 5 =  ?   6 – 4 = ?
  • Involve your child in telling the time – half past, a quarter past, a quarter to, o’clock

Maths booklets to download (PDF format):

Mathematics Games Booklet Year 3 »

Mathematics Games Booklet Year 4 »

Mathematics Games Booklet Year 5 »